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What ladies should do if they want to get a guy’s attention

  1. When you are out and about make sure to dress nice and fix yourself up.  By fix yourself up I mean to have your hair, make up (if you wear it), and clothes all looking nice.  Men are completely visual as we all know and if you don’t catch a guy’s eye he is not likely to even pay attention to you.
  2. Try not to be with a big group of friends since it can be intimidating to a guy if they want to approach or flirt with you.
  3. Be open and very friendly to any guys whom talk to you that you are interested in.  Try to be flirty and tell him some obvious clues that he should get the hint.  Most guys are dumb and still might not get the hint if you aren’t obvious.  If you really think the guy likes you but is not getting the hint just tell him you would like to go out if you are confident enough. Hopefully the guy is not gay or married and that is why he ignoring your hints.
  4. Try to look approachable if you are out at a club, bar, in a restaurant, anywhere and you see a guy or guys you are interested in.
  5. Try to get a guy’s attention by looking at him and seeing if he looks back and perhaps if you are confident enough you can wave him over or give him a come here finger.
  6. You can approach a guy you are interested in and just introduce yourself and ask them how they are doing, can ask them for help with something, ask them a question, just do whatever it takes to get a conversation flowing.
  7. If the guy is someone you see regularly or know you can try to  dress sexy and hint to the guy about your interest or invite the guy to a party, to a dance, to a movie, to go to lunch, to a comedy club, etc.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Pet Peeves for Relationships

  1. When in an argument with partner and you both have two different viewpoints of what was said or done during a moment in the past.  Just wish there was a video of the moment to prove the point one way or another.
  2. When your partner leaves their trash like someone else is supposed to throw it away.
  3. When your partner thinks they are always right when making big financial decisions and they always end up wrong.
  4. When your partner just tunes you out when you are talking to them.
  5. When your partner is intimate so infrequently you have to clean up the cobwebs first.
  6. Just having to try to accept the flaws and annoying things your partner does.
  7. When your partner looks better when they go to work or hang out with their friends then when you go out with them.
  8. When your partner cleans up around the house when their friends come over but not regularly any other time.
  9. When your partner calls you on phone to many times in a day.
  10. When your partner doesn’t listen to your advice especially if they listen to everyone else’s.
  11. When your partner believes for something to be true it has to come from an expert.
  12. When your partner complains about some aspect of your physical appearance however they aren’t perfect also but you accept it.
  13. When your partner goes a little crazy when shopping for gifts or non-essential items (e.g. essential items being groceries, etc.).
  14. When your partner leaves or quits jobs when not even having it that long.
  15. When your partner can’t predict or see likely upcoming future based on how things are going now.
  16. When your partner forgets about plans you made with them.
  17. When your partner cancels or tries to cancel on plans made way in advance.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Do you think premartial sex is okay or not in our modern world?

I am writing this post to get your opinions on the topic of whether you think premarital sex is okay or not in our modern world?  We all know it is not going to disappear or stop however I just want to find out if you think it is wise or not and why?

I don’t believe it wrong myself but just that people have to be careful and not be to promiscuous.  I especially feel it is important if you are in a relationship that is leading to possible marriage.  Since I feel it is important you know if you are sexually compatible with your partner.

We all know most religions are against premartial sex and that is the main argument against besides being worried about catching an sexually transmitted disease (STD) or getting pregnant.  Some parents just don’t want their kids to be having sex since they feel it is a lost of innocence and a sign their kid is not a baby any longer.  Some parents also just don’t want their kids being distracted from their goals of finishing school and getting a career by getting involved in serious relationships and complicating it with sex.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Should you live with your significant other prior to getting married?

The main two arguments for why a couple should not live together is because of religion and why a couple should live together is normally going to be so they can get to know one another.  The religious would state if a couple loves each other they would be able to work out everything once married because of love and compromise.  On the other hand those in the camp for a couple living together prior to marriage would say to give a marriage the best chance of being successful it would be best for the couple to live together first.  When a couple lives together first they will see how their partners really are in everyday life and see all the positives and negatives.  It is harder for some one to hide flaws from their partner if the other is there almost all the time.  Living together the couple will see how their partner deals with finances, everyday chores, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, their moods, likes and dislikes (in terms of music, television, movies, food, games, etc.), etc.  Last the couple will determine if they are sexually compatible.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Do not enter a marriage expecting to change or fix your partner

If you only see yourself being happy in the marriage based on your being able to change your partner during marriage then do not get married.  If you are not happy with your partner the way they are just don’t jump the broom.  Most people do not change and will only change for themselves normally.  If you want them to change they must do that before you get married.  Otherwise I believe it is your fault for marrying them with the issues you have with them and expecting them to change because you want them to.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Risk takers and Optimist in marriage do need to learn to restrain themselves or listen to their partner

Those who are risk takers and optimist in marriages and long term relationships must be careful to not alienate themselves from their partners and family and not be an anchor to the couple’s or family’s well being.  You can’t continue to take gambles especially financial ones in either business or major purchases. Since if things do not work out as you expect and this happens with many of your decisions your partner or family suffers.  Especially if your partner states specifically their reservations with the idea or suggested an alternative that might be safer.  If you have many setbacks you might lose your partner or family.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Withholding sex from your partner because of their being slightly overweight or out of shape

In my opinion this is ridiculous because if you two were having sex then you both would be losing weight by burning calories.  The sex could be used as exercise especially if you are doing it often or for long periods of time.  This would be one of the most enjoyable ways to lose weight and don’t think anyone would not want to work out he-he.

I know this does not work from personal experience.  In the first place this is wrong if your partner was that way when you met.  I could understand if your partner gained a ton of weight after being with them.  If this situation you might want to consider leaving if your partner isn’t trying to lose the weight if you do not feel any attraction towards them at this weight.  I don’t understand if your partner was this way already since I would not enter into a relationship with someone if I did not find them attractive.  So I don’t understand how someone can enter into a relationship and expect them to change afterwards.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Men and women should not have an issue with going down or performing oral sex on their partners

This is especially the case if you enjoy oral sex being performed on you but you do not want to reciprocate.  I know the majority of women love oral sex being performed on them if done correctly but a lot of women do not want to return the favor if someone performs it on them.  In addition most men enjoy oral sex being performed on them if it is done correctly also.

Men I don’t understand how a lot of you would not want to perform oral sex on your partner.  Since for the majority of our lives we have been obsessed with seeing up females skirts and under their panties from the time we were young boys till the time we go into the grave.  We have been continuously trying to get into women’s pants and yet when given the opportunity to go down a lot of men do not want to.  This should not be an issue if your partner is clean or has no sexually transmitted diseases.  I do understand some men perhaps not feeling comfortable or dirty going down if they were raised conservatively or very religiously.

Women I know most  of you been raised to see sex as being naughty, dirty, or to be done after being wed.  It is not dirty and not something that shouldn’t be done.  On the contrary people should be having sex all the time.  If it was being done all the time the world would be a lot happier.  At least if everyone was having their needs met from the experience.  So everyone must tell their partners if their partner needs to change something or improve on something.  Everyone should have an orgasm or climax when having sex.  If you aren’t climaxing then I could understand you not wanting to have sex or be desiring of it.    Also ladies you should see performing oral sex on a man the same as sucking on a lollipop or gummy worm.  As long as the man is clean and doesn’t have any sexually transmitted diseases it shouldn’t be a problem.

For men and women you can make going down more exciting by adding some food to the equation.  You can use whip cream, jello, honey, melted (liquid) chocolate, jelly, jam, peanut butter, etc.  I sure most would be more willing to go down if there is food to lick or suck on.  So everyone just try to enjoy sex and not let society freak you out when you are in the bedroom with your partner.  Just let your inhibitions go and get freaky.

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Women need to approach guys they find attractive more often

I have not been approached by many women during my adult life.  I find this interesting women just don’t go for it and talk to the guy they find attractive and let him know it.  Most guys are morons when it comes to actually knowing if a woman is flirting with them or if she is just being nice.  So if you are putting signs out that you are interested in a guy and he hasn’t made a move it could be because he just doesn’t recognize your signs or the guy is not interested or last the guy is shy.  Women you might need to be more obvious or just go over to the guy and ask if he is interested in you.

Many times I have thought someone was interested just to find out they were being nice or had a boyfriend.  So I became weary of approaching women out of fear of being embarrassed and rejected.  So ladies if you really like a guy go after him it is not likely you will be turned down if you are attractive and if you are turned down I am sure most guys will be nice about it.

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Dads need to be there for their kids and not just run off and be deadbeats

Dads you have to be men and not get scared or act like kids and leave a woman whom was good enough for you to sleep with but not good enough for you to man up and provide for her and your kid.  If you did not want kids then you should of used contraception (e.g. rubber, condom, glove).  I know condoms suck and it decreases your stimulation but if you don’t want kids you have to use it otherwise you are dependent on the women taking her pill and it working.  Some women actually want to get pregnant and might tell you they took it when they didn’t.  So if you want to chance it then don’t use a condom.  If you want to be certain then put on a condom.

Dads provide for your kids financially, emotionally, being there to help the mom, and as being a role model. Even if you are not able to provide financially because you are not working you do need to try your best to find a job but in the meantime you do have to be around to help the mom in anyway she needs it.  So you can watch and teach your kid/s to help out.  You can help with cleaning up and doing chores around the house since all these things contribute and should be greatly appreciated.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.