Blog Archives

Do you think premartial sex is okay or not in our modern world?

I am writing this post to get your opinions on the topic of whether you think premarital sex is okay or not in our modern world?  We all know it is not going to disappear or stop however I just want to find out if you think it is wise or not and why?

I don’t believe it wrong myself but just that people have to be careful and not be to promiscuous.  I especially feel it is important if you are in a relationship that is leading to possible marriage.  Since I feel it is important you know if you are sexually compatible with your partner.

We all know most religions are against premartial sex and that is the main argument against besides being worried about catching an sexually transmitted disease (STD) or getting pregnant.  Some parents just don’t want their kids to be having sex since they feel it is a lost of innocence and a sign their kid is not a baby any longer.  Some parents also just don’t want their kids being distracted from their goals of finishing school and getting a career by getting involved in serious relationships and complicating it with sex.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Poll: Should Gay or Homosexual Marriage be Allowed?

Please give my your opinion into whether you think gay or homosexual marriage should be allowed.  This is a very hot topic lately and several states have tried to make it legal for homosexuals to be married.  Some have been overturned and are still being fought for.  Due to this being such a hot topic I feel it should be discussed.

In my opinion I feel homosexuals should be allowed to be married only for the reason I believe most did not choose to be homosexual but were born this way.  So if they are suppose to be homosexual who are we to say no to them being happy and being married.  The other issue with why they should be allowed to be married unless people rather make some other law/s is the fact homosexual partners don’t have any of the legal benefits of a married couple no matter how long they are together.  So unless we want to give them the benefits of a married couple without being married I don’t see how we can be against them being married.

I know those against it are the conservative in our society who mainly focus their argument against based on religious beliefs.  Since most religions are against homosexual relations based on the interpretations of their holy books.  They also just love to say that marriage is for a man and woman to come together to have a baby which is not possible from same sex marriages.

This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences. In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are displayed on voting and results page. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Take my Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following Against, For, Against but for other laws being made giving benefits of a married couple, Not sure. Readers giveme your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Take my poll!