Author Archives: outoftheboxguy

Why would anyone want to join the U.S. Military?

I do not understand why anyone joins the U.S. military.  Especially if you have other options even if that includes working at a minimum wage job.  Now perhaps if you can’t get a minimum wage job or there are no jobs period where you are maybe it could be an option.  However I would suggest moving  to where there are jobs.  Some do it to pay off their school tuition which is somewhat understandable.

I always look at everything based on the worse case scenario.  The worse case scenario is you dying and leaving everyone that loves you.  The only thing that can top this is the fact most U.S. soldiers are killed in friendly fire incidents meaning they were killed by their own soldiers.  The other bad scenarios which might not be better are coming back without limbs, in a coma, having brain damage, mental issues, having been raped by your own soldiers for females, drug addicted, alcoholic, blind, burned, deaf, not able to have kids, etc. Worse is the fact the United States doesn’t take care of its soldiers when they are active or as veterans.

Active duty soldiers had to fight to get armor in their vehicles and to get new upgraded armored vehicles.  In addition soldiers aren’t paid much and many are struggling while active especially if they have families.  I recently found out that soldiers have to pay to get wired internet and have to get their own webcams to be able to talk to their families.  In addition many are limited to only minutes being able to use computers while serving in the war zones.  Many soldiers experience harassment and discrimination especially if they are minorities.  U.S. businesses are not to patriotic when it comes to soldiers like the recent incident with the airline charging some soldiers coming back from overseas a ton of charges for extra baggage.  Soldiers can’t receive discounts at many places which is unbelievable.  I do understand small businesses not being able to give discounts but large franchises and chains should be able to afford discounts and I am sure they can write it off on taxes anyway.  I can go on and on about the problems with the U.S. military.

Veteran soldiers I feel are worse off from my perspective. Most homeless in America are our soldiers.  This is startling but the truth and is one of the main reasons I would never serve.  Our country doesn’t treat soldiers like other countries treat soldiers or even how warriors were treated in history like the Romans.  Soldiers can’t get jobs and are dealing with mental issues from their experiences while serving in combat, being harassed, or raped.  In addition many do not even know how to go back to a normal life since in the military everything is provided and taken care of for the soldiers.  I see this the same as prisoners that can’t reintegrate into a normal life.  Many prisoners rather stay in jail or commit a crime to go back to jail so everything is provided for them and they don’t have to deal with the stresses with everyday life.  While we are taking about prisoners I always have seen serving in the military as going to prison. Would I want  to go to prison, no so why would I want to join the military. Soldiers I believe do multiple tours often I feel because they do not want to face living a normal life since they aren’t use to it and I feel some even do it to escape or be away from their families.  Vets also aren’t given respect from businesses in terms of discounts also or jobs.

I feel soldiers should be provided everything they need free to be able to communicate with their family and friends.  Maybe it is just me but this only seems right.

The only way I would join our military is if we are invaded by an outside nation. Other then that I couldn’t imagine joining any of our military branches.  While I am speaking about branches can anyone really understand why the National Guard and Coast Guard are used overseas for our wars and conflicts.  I do know this started during Vietnam but I just never understood the legality of it.  Since initially the whole point of the National Guard was to protect our country from civil unrest, invasion from foreign nations, and help during natural disasters, etc.  I do not comprehend the logic of the National Guard and Coast Guard being needed to be used outside our nation.  I do know for a fact many join the National Guard and the Coast Guard thinking the same thing in terms of not knowing they can be deployed overseas for our conflicts and wars.  Most people join the National Guard to get an extra paycheck and hope never to be called upon.  If this is the case for you do not join the National Guard or Coast Guard since you could very well end up overseas in a war zone.  The evidence the National Guard shouldn’t be used overseas is the fact they do not train like the regular military in terms of frequency and also have inferior equipment.  I don’t even understand how the National Guard was being used to help try to secure parts of our border with Mexico.  Since they should only be used momentarily but there should be a contingency plan in the works for a long term force being deployed there besides the National Guard.

Minorites and females should never voluntarily join the U.S. military with how they are treated by the military.  If you are in this group and want to be an officer do not join thinking you are going to be an officer.  More likely you will never be an officer.  All you have to do is look at the number of minority and female officers in the military and then look at how many are officers and that will tell you all you need to know.  An example would be to look at the U.S. Army numbers based on race for women.  Most female soldiers in the U.S. Army are Black or African American however most of the female officers are White or Caucasian.  Just look at numbers and it will tell the story.  Also if you are in this group of minorities or females don’t join thinking you are going to be a pilot or any other sought after position.  You will probably end up doing something completely opposite of what you wanted to do and on the low-end of the Totem Pole.

Last why serve this country when they don’t value our lives by getting us into wars we shouldn’t be involved in and have no chance of winning unless we deploy millions of soldiers or wipe out all the native population present.  Sure we are winning in terms of stats if you base it on body count but in terms of achieving an objective besides making certain people rich is nonexistent.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Is IMF Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn guilty of Rape?

Is IMF Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn guilty of raping hotel maid 
Nafissatou Diallo? Nafissatou Diallo's version of the events is while 
Strauss-Kahn was staying at the hotel in New York he assaulted and raped
her.  Strauss-Kahn's version of the story is he had consensual sex with
hotel maid Nafissatou Diallo while he stayed at the hotel in New York.  

The twist comes when new evidence surfaces eliminating Nafissatou
Diallo's credibility.  The evidence that came to light is a recorded 
conversation between Diallo and an Arizona man in prison.  In the
conversation allegedly Diallo states "this guy has a lot of money. I
know what I am doing."  However this is how the conversation is
interpreted since it was spoken in Diallo's native language a dialect 
of Fulani.  So this conversation has a possibility of having been 
misinterpreted.  In addition evidence shows Diallo has received large
sums of money in her bank account from various states from the Arizona
man in prison.  Furthermore evidence was discovered Diallo lied to
immigration to get her visa by claiming she was gang raped and her 
husband was tortured and killed by the Guinean Regime.  Lastly evidence
shows Diallo continued to clean rooms after supposedly being raped.
The twist do not stop with Diallo but Strauss-Kahn has evidence which 
has surfaced with another lady from his past claiming she was assaulted
and raped by him.  The accuser Tristane Banon states this occurred in 
her apartment in 2003 when she was doing an interview for a book project.
The prosecutors in Paris opened up an investigation into the charges.

So with all these twists it is not clear-cut as to what actually 
happened in the New York hotel room.  Please weigh your thoughts and 
insights here about what you feel happened.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions 
for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you 
enjoyed yourself and come back.


Strauss-Kahn’s accuser: Schemer or immigrant survivor?

Main Image
Main Image

By Daniel Trotta

NEW YORK | Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:42am EDT

(Reuters) – First she was portrayed as a model of virtue who was violated by a rich and powerful man.

Then she was presented as a liar, a schemer associated with criminals in the New York underworld, who may have taken down the next president ofFrance for her own financial gain.

The world remains divided on the hotel maid who accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of assaulting her in a New York hotel on May 14, an explosive case which like many sex cases comes down to whose account of the incident you believe.

Nafissatou Diallo, whose story had been told through prosecutors and defense lawyers, gave her own account to the media this weekend in a graphic interview with Newsweek and ABC, saying Strauss-Kahn behaved like a “crazy man.”

It was the first time the widow with a teenage daughter, an immigrant from Guinea in West Africa, had spoken publicly since she alleged Strauss-Kahn emerged naked from the bathroom of his luxury suite and forced her to perform oral sex.

Defense lawyers insist any sex was consensual and called the interview an effort to extract money from Strauss-Kahn.

Diallo’s lawyer, Douglas Wigdor, said she wanted people to know she is not a “shakedown artist or a prostitute.” The illiterate daughter of a Muslim imam, she was working as a cleaner at the luxury Manhattan hotel.

“She is not a whore, she is a good mother,” said Blake Diallo, the Senegalese manager of a Harlem restaurant she once frequented, who is not related to her. “She was a wonderful, caring, hard-working African woman.”

To women’s rights advocates she is a survivor who embodies the immigrant story of fleeing poverty and repression for a better life in America. They also lament how the accuser so easily becomes the accused.

Yet defenders and political supporters of Strauss-Kahn were also handed material they could eagerly latch on to.

Prosecutors hoping to jail Strauss-Kahn for up to 25 years were forced to report troubling information about Diallo’s background. In order to win U.S. asylum she had lied about being gang-raped and she changed details of her story about what happened minutes after her encounter with Strauss-Kahn.

What’s more, the woman appeared to be surrounded by shady characters. The revelations threw the case into disarray, providing Strauss-Kahn’s defense lawyers with ammunition to undermine her credibility should the case ever reach trial.


According to lawyers for the accuser, prosecutors with the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said they had found a recorded telephone conversation after the incident between her and a man detained in an Arizona jail in which she said “words to the effect” that “this guy has a lot of money. I know what I am doing.”

The precise context of the conversation has been clouded by the difficulties of interpretation of a dialect of Fulani, but they were seen as seriously undermining the prosecution case.

Despite speculation that he might drop the charges, New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance has yet to do so, indicating prosecutors may believe parts of both narratives — that she was a victim but she also has inconvenient facts in her background.

“Poor immigrants of violence often do things to survive … and are sometimes drawn into criminal or unsavory activity and often end up with really poor quality immigration assistance,” said Dorchen Leidholdt, director of the battered women’s services group that has provided services to the accuser.

“She’s typical of so many of the very vulnerable immigrant women in our city.”

Despite Guinea’s ample natural resources, decades of misrule mean its 10 million residents mostly make do on average incomes of around $3 a day.

One of six brothers and sisters, Diallo’s early life was one of limited horizons and expectations. Her home village in the remote Labe region, a hard day’s drive north of Conakry, still has no water, electricity or phone lines. It is reached only after a 30-minute scramble on foot through thick forest.

Her family is of Fula ethnicity, like 40 percent of the population. Her late father was known as a devoted and learned Muslim. Like many West Africans, her family practiced the Tidjiane version of Sunni Islam.

“Here, the girls get married at 16 and the boys at 20. We don’t know anything about that other way of life,” her older brother Mamoudou told Reuters, referring to the Western lifestyle his sister found in New York.

Her own arranged marriage to a distant cousin ended with the death of her husband — the cause is unclear — after which she left her home village in the mid-1990s, traveling to the capital to become a seamstress. Her ties with her family back in the Labe region then appeared to weaken.

Later, in her asylum application, prosecutors said she fabricated and embellished her story, claiming she and her husband were persecuted and harassed by the Guinean regime and her husband was jailed, tortured, deprived of medical treatment and eventually died as a result.

After the encounter with Strauss-Kahn, she told prosecutors she had fabricated the statement with the help of an advisor. Kenneth Thompson, a lawyer representing her, said she volunteered to prosecutors she had lied on her asylum application due to that bad advice.


Diallo was a victim of genital mutilation, and she wanted to avoid the same fate for her daughter, Thompson said. Those facts would have been enough to win asylum without the need to invent a story, he said.

“We’ve seen … clients are encouraged to make misrepresentations, even when the true story might be the very strong basis for an immigration claim,” Leidholdt said.

Prosecutors said Diallo was the victim of a rape in Guinea, though not a gang-rape as related in her asylum application.

Within days of Strauss-Kahn’s arrest, his advisers worked to collect information about Diallo’s history.

They quickly turned up links with people involved in criminal activities, but it was Manhattan prosecutors who uncovered some of the most damaging information on Diallo, according to William Taylor, one of Strauss-Kahn’s lawyers.

The man she spoke with in the Arizona jail had been arrested for bartering counterfeit designer clothes for marijuana, the New York Times reported.

In addition, the Times said, investigators had found bank records showing deposits of thousands of dollars into her bank account, transferred there from a variety of U.S. states by the jailed man.

Taylor said those details came from the District Attorney’s office and their investigators.

Diallo told Newsweek magazine the man did indeed transfer the money into her account, but she was never told about it and she never spent any of the cash.

Once she moved to New York, she became a regular at Cafe 2115 on Frederick Douglass Boulevard, a magnet for the many French-speaking West Africans who live in Harlem, the largely black section of upper Manhattan.

“These stories of drugs and laundering money, I don’t know her that way. She is not that kind of person,” the restaurateur Diallo said.

She worked at the African American Restaurant Marayway, a Gambian eatery in the Bronx, where she worked serving Gambian food before landing a job at the luxury Sofitel hotel.

Immigrant opinions of the woman are sharply mixed.

“Why would a big man who could be president of France want to spoil his chances by doing such a thing?” asked Ouma Mahamadou, 23, a Nigerian patron of Cafe 2115. “It doesn’t make any sense to me, so she must be lying.”

(Additional reporting by Paula Rogo and Noeleen Walder in New York, Mark Hosenball in London, and Saliou Samb in Conakry, editing by Mark Egan and Sandra Maler)
Paris Prosecutors Probe Strauss-Kahn Accusation

PARIS July 8, 2011 (AP)

The Paris prosecutor's office said Friday it has opened a preliminary 
investigation into accusations by a French writer that former IMF chief
Dominique Strauss-Kahn tried to rape her.

The probe comes just as New York prosecutors are weighing whether or not
to go ahead with a case in which a chambermaid accused Strauss-Kahn — 
long considered a top contender for France's presidency — of sexual 

Tristane Banon filed a criminal complaint this week saying that 
Strauss-Kahn attacked her in an empty apartment in 2003 during an 
interview for a book project, struggling with her on the floor as he 
tried to tear off her clothes.

An official in the Paris prosecutor's office said Friday that a
 preliminary investigation has been opened into the complaint. The 
official was not authorized to be publicly named because the 
investigation is under way.

The investigation allows investigators to question Banon and those 
close to her about the eight-year-old incident. It could also allow 
investigators to question Strauss-Kahn, though most likely not unless
and until he returns to France.

After the preliminary probe, which could take weeks or months, the 
prosecutor's office could decide to drop the case or pursue the 
investigation, which could eventually lead to a trial.

Strauss-Kahn quit as head of the International Monetary Fund after a 
New York hotel maid accused him of attempted rape in May, but questions
have surfaced about the maid's credibility.

Who honestly is worried about U.S. Debt Crisis deadline approaching because I am definitely not

This looming deadline for our debt crisis that is approaching has many worried within the U.S. and potentially around the world.  I am not worried whatsoever since I know the U.S. economy and the world economy is a joke.  I know this will be resolved miraculously close to the deadline.  The crisis is all something that has been orchestrated and will play out as it is intended to play out.  It is not like the U.S. economy will be allowed to fall.  If our economy falls so does the world’s economy.

Does anyone honestly believe there is going to be a crisis and this problem will not be resolved by the deadline? The calls and emails people are making to force the politicians namely the Republicans to come up with a decision is for not.  Since it will be worked out without all this frenzy from the population.  The politicians are not going to let this country fall.  Congress will make up its mind in the next few days.

The people should be up in arms about other issues besides this like the fact we are involved in multiple conflicts around the world causing our crisis in the first place.  Furthermore, the fact Obama wants to increase taxes on the rich before resolving the first issue at hand being these conflicts.  I have no problem with taxing the rich but first we need to look at the real issue and solve this first.  If Barack Obama wants to tax some people it ought to be the companies making money from these wars like the oil companies that supply the U.S. military, weapons manufactures, other suppliers, and last and most importantly the bankers that are bankrolling the whole war.  These are the rich companies and individuals I do not have a problem with him taxing immediately since they are why we are having these conflicts in the first place and why they are lasting forever and causing our debt crisis.

I am working on another post regarding the whole economic system being a joke.  So check back for it.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Poll: Should mom Raquel Nelson be sentenced to 3 years in prison because of jaywalking death of 4 year old son?

Raquel Nelson
Should a mom whom jaywalked with her kids at night after being dropped off by a bus across the street from her house resulted in one of her kids being hit by car and killed by a drunk driver be sentenced to three years in prison because of the jaywalking? The actual conviction is for homicide by vehicle and reckless conduct.  The nearest cross walk was more than 1500 feet from the bus stop.
The sentence she might get is longer then what the drunk driver received.
If you want to support her you can sign a petition here:
This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences.
In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are
displayed on voting and results page so if you click on an ad it is at your own risk. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Click here to Take My Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following Yes she should be sentenced, No she shouldn’t be sentenced, and Not Sure.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.




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Mom convicted in son’s jaywalking

death: ‘This will never end for me’

By Liz Goodwin

National Affairs Reporter

By Liz Goodwin


Nelson (Today Show)

A Marietta, Ga., mom who was convicted of jaywalking after her 4-year-old son was run over and killed in a hit-and-run said on the Today Show

that the worst part of going to jail would be the separation from her two remaining kids.

Raquel Nelson was convicted of homicide by vehicle and reckless conduct by a jury and faces sentencing tomorrow. She can receive up to a three-year jail sentence, six times the stretch that Jerry Guy–who admitted to drinking before running over Nelson’s son, A.J.–served.

“I think to come after me so much harder than they did him is a slap in the face because this will never end for me,” she said. “It’s three years away from the two that I have left.”

Nelson also said that the jury had “never been in my shoes,” because each of them answered that they had never taken public transportation before. Nelson, who doesn’t have a car, was three-tenths of a mile away from the nearest crosswalk when her bus dropped her off at the stop across the street from her apartment with her three children. She decided to cross with her kids rather than remain outside any later at night, she said. (You can read more about her case here.)

“We are just hoping as a family that [the judge] is compassionate and lets my niece remain with her other children,” Nelson’s aunt Loretta Williams said. Nearly 75,000 have signed an online petition in support of Nelson


You can watch the interview below:

What ladies should do if they want to get a guy’s attention

  1. When you are out and about make sure to dress nice and fix yourself up.  By fix yourself up I mean to have your hair, make up (if you wear it), and clothes all looking nice.  Men are completely visual as we all know and if you don’t catch a guy’s eye he is not likely to even pay attention to you.
  2. Try not to be with a big group of friends since it can be intimidating to a guy if they want to approach or flirt with you.
  3. Be open and very friendly to any guys whom talk to you that you are interested in.  Try to be flirty and tell him some obvious clues that he should get the hint.  Most guys are dumb and still might not get the hint if you aren’t obvious.  If you really think the guy likes you but is not getting the hint just tell him you would like to go out if you are confident enough. Hopefully the guy is not gay or married and that is why he ignoring your hints.
  4. Try to look approachable if you are out at a club, bar, in a restaurant, anywhere and you see a guy or guys you are interested in.
  5. Try to get a guy’s attention by looking at him and seeing if he looks back and perhaps if you are confident enough you can wave him over or give him a come here finger.
  6. You can approach a guy you are interested in and just introduce yourself and ask them how they are doing, can ask them for help with something, ask them a question, just do whatever it takes to get a conversation flowing.
  7. If the guy is someone you see regularly or know you can try to  dress sexy and hint to the guy about your interest or invite the guy to a party, to a dance, to a movie, to go to lunch, to a comedy club, etc.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Pet Peeves for Relationships

  1. When in an argument with partner and you both have two different viewpoints of what was said or done during a moment in the past.  Just wish there was a video of the moment to prove the point one way or another.
  2. When your partner leaves their trash like someone else is supposed to throw it away.
  3. When your partner thinks they are always right when making big financial decisions and they always end up wrong.
  4. When your partner just tunes you out when you are talking to them.
  5. When your partner is intimate so infrequently you have to clean up the cobwebs first.
  6. Just having to try to accept the flaws and annoying things your partner does.
  7. When your partner looks better when they go to work or hang out with their friends then when you go out with them.
  8. When your partner cleans up around the house when their friends come over but not regularly any other time.
  9. When your partner calls you on phone to many times in a day.
  10. When your partner doesn’t listen to your advice especially if they listen to everyone else’s.
  11. When your partner believes for something to be true it has to come from an expert.
  12. When your partner complains about some aspect of your physical appearance however they aren’t perfect also but you accept it.
  13. When your partner goes a little crazy when shopping for gifts or non-essential items (e.g. essential items being groceries, etc.).
  14. When your partner leaves or quits jobs when not even having it that long.
  15. When your partner can’t predict or see likely upcoming future based on how things are going now.
  16. When your partner forgets about plans you made with them.
  17. When your partner cancels or tries to cancel on plans made way in advance.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Poll: What are the best movies of Summer 2011?

This poll is for you to select which movie you consider to be the best or will be the best for Summer 2011.  I included only movies released or will be released from June through August.


This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences.
In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are
displayed on voting and results page so if you click on an ad it is at your own risk. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Click here to Take My Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following movies The Green Lantern, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Super 8, Cars 2, Bad Teacher,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, Winnie the Pooh, Horrible Bosses, Zookeeper, Captain America: The First Avenger, Friends with Benefits, Cowboys and Aliens, The Smurfs, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Final Destination 5, Conan The Barbarian, Spy Kids: All the Time in the World, Colombiana, and Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark.


Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.


Click here to Take My Poll!

Poll: The NFL and NBA are Fixed

It is really obvious the NFL and NBA are fixed from how players play, how coaches coach, to which teams win the championships and last and probably most importantly calls by officials.  I have felt this way ever since I really became interested in sports as a teen.  I really liked watching college football and college basketball but my like didn’t translate to the pros.  This was because there was a noticeable difference and disconnect between the levels.  There is lots of variation and unpredictability on the college level but when it comes to the pros everyone plays almost the same style and way.  Also the players that go from college to the NFL don’t seem to be the same players as they were in college.  It’s as if their sense of style has been stripped.  They just don’t play with the same heart or technique.  As if someone doesn’t want them to play to win.  As if they are playing with shackles. In addition coaches have their teams do the same stupid plays and same stupid formations over and over.  They do not experiment with formations in the pros.  I didn’t have proof of this since it was just my own theories based on what I observed from games.  However I did gain some proof to the NBA being fixed when I read in a men’s magazine a long time ago that Ray Allen implied the NBA is fixed.

This proof came in an interview he made to ESPN.  It can be found here but originally it was from the following link which no longer works 2001/0531/1208098.html.  The main point he states, “The league, as a marketing machine, the bottom line is about making money,” Allen said. “It behooves everybody for the league to make more money, and the league knows that Philadelphia is going to make more money with L.A. than we would with L.A.”


This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences.
In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are
displayed on voting and results page so if you click on an ad it is at your own risk. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Click here to Take My Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following Yes – the NFL and NBA are fixed, No – The NFL and NBA are not fixed, Yes – The NFL is Fixed but the NBA isn’t fixed, Yes – NBA is fixed but the NFL isn’t fixed, and Not Sure.


Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.




Click here to Take My Poll!





The following articles with their original links following them can all be found here:

Bucks think Sixers are getting all the calls
Associated Press

MILWAUKEE — Stopping just short of alleging an outright anti-Bucks conspiracy, Ray Allen said Thursday that the NBA would prefer to see the Philadelphia 76ers face the Los Angeles Lakers in the finals.


“I think there’s no question about that. The league, as a marketing machine, the bottom line is about making money,” Allen said. “It behooves everybody for the league to make more money, and the league knows that Philadelphia is going to make more money with L.A. than we would with L.A.” Coming off a crushing one-point Game 5 loss in which two flagrant fouls and a technical foul cost the Bucks dearly, Milwaukee now faces a must-win situation in Game 6 Friday night. The best-of-seven series is tied 3-3, with the winner of Sunday’s finale in Philadelphia moving on to face the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA Finals beginning next Wednesday. The Bucks have complained about the officiating since Game 4, when they felt Glenn Robinson was fouled on a crucial possession late in the fourth quarter that turned into a breakaway layup for the 76ers. In Game 5, Sam Cassell‘s technical foul and flagrant fouls on Robinson and Tim Thomasresulted in a five-point possession and two four-point possessions for Philadelphia, and the Bucks admitted that those three mistakes cost them the game.

It behooves everybody for the league to make more money, and the league knows that Philadelphia is going to make more money with L.A. than we would with L.A.
Ray Allen

But aside from what they felt was the questionable nature of those calls, the Bucks also had a problem with several other whistles — touch fouls on Cassell and Ervin Johnson early in the game and a moving screen call on Jason Caffey late in the fourth quarter. Cassell’s complaining began in the first quarter when he pump-faked Allen Iverson off his feet and Iverson whacked him hard on the arm. No foul was called, even though the play happened directly in front of referee Ronnie Nunn. “Nine times out of 10 when you have a referee you know there’s no biases,” Allen said. “But in the back of everybody’s minds it’s like Philadelphia and the MVP needs to play in the finals. “I used to always think the series were fixed when I was in high school, then when I got to the NBA I said there’s no way they could be fixed. But even last year against Indiana in Game 5 (of Milwaukee’s first-round series) it seemed like everything went against us,” Allen said. The NBA assigns its veteran referees to work playoff games based upon merit. Different teams have complained throughout the years that superstars receive preferential treatment from the officials, and the Bucks are merely the latest upstarts to learn that playoff games at the end of May are often called differently than regular-season games. Complaining about specific calls is one thing; alleging a conspiracy is another. And though nobody on the Bucks came right out and said it, all the questions about a conspiracy theory found a welcoming audience. Allen said members of his family had told him that they were sitting across from NBA commissioner David Stern on Sunday and noticed him stand up to watch a replay after it appeared Allen got away with committing a foul against Iverson that wasn’t called. “He jumped up real mad like he was cheering for Philly,” Allen said. Bucks coach George Karl said conspiracy theories were “summer talk,” although he claimed three other NBA coaches had called him after Game 5 to raise that very issue. “Sam Cassell said that Kevin Garnett and Rod Strickland had called him, so it’s out there,” Karl said. The NBA has always laughed off the charge, but conspiracy theorists often point to Game 7 of the 1993 Western Conference finals in making their case — saying Phoenix got an inordinate number of calls against Seattle because the league wanted to see a Suns-Chicago Bulls final. “Here was the scenario: A Barkley-Jordan final, and Barkley did a commercial for NBC three weeks before the finals — and he told me about it. And then they shoot 67 free throws in the final game,” said Karl, who coached the SuperSonics in that game. There were 100 foul shots taken in that game, 64 by the Suns. Seattle was called for 38 personal fouls and had three players disqualified; Phoenix was whistled for 27 fouls and had no one foul out. “So there’s a little paranoia there, but tomorrow night that means nothing,” Karl said. “The board room is behind closed doors in New York City, so no one’s ever going to know. NBA spokesman Brian McIntyre said the league had no comment on the Bucks’ remarks. Supervisor of officials Ed Rush did not return a phone call to his Phoenix office. In the history of the NBA playoffs, teams that have taken a 3-2 lead in Game 5 have gone on to win the series 83 percent of the time. One of the exceptions was this year’s Bucks, who dropped three straight games to the Charlotte Hornets in the second round before coming back and winning Games 6 and 7. The Bucks continue to defiantly insist they are the better team, and they believe they will win Games 6 and 7 if they continue to hold Iverson in check. Iverson has shot just 33-for-120 (27 percent) from the field during the series as the Bucks have hugely overplayed him to his right, forcing Iverson to go to his left. “In the Toronto series everybody said you had to double-team him, but have you seen him go left and score?” Allen asked. “That’s all he wants to do is go right, and if he goes left he’s going to jump back to the right. “So he can’t score going to his left unless he passes the ball, but if he goes right he’s the biggest scoring threat in the world.” Only Game 6 will tell if that strategy will continue to work — and whether people will continue to believe that an anti-Bucks conspiracy exists. “I’m not alleging a conspiracy, I’m not getting caught up in anything that I think the league has going on or what they might want,” Allen said. “I’m just saying if we control what we can control, we’ll be in L.A. playing the Lakers. “If we play like we’re capable of playing and not let the referees have a hand in the outcome of the game, then we’ll have nothing to worry about.”

By David Aldridge
Special to

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The NBA has a problem.

The problem is not that there is a conspiracy to put the Lakers (or, in their day, the Bulls) in the Finals, or that playoff games are fixed.

The problem is that so many otherwise rational people think there is a conspiracy to put the Lakers (or, in their day, the Bulls) in the Finals, and that playoff games are fixed. The problem is that the very teams who compete now state openly that they expect to get screwed in important games.

For 15 years, I’ve listened to crackpots tell me how the league is no different than pro wrestling, that I should be ashamed to cover a sport where the results have been determined in advance by a cabal of power-mad men (the list is never the same but frequently includes David Stern, NBC Sports President Dick Ebersol, the heads of various Fortune 500 companies, and once — only once — Suzanne Somers). I laugh to myself, for there is nothing I can do to help these people.

And then comes a game like Friday’s Game 6 of the Western Conference finals. There is nothing I can say that will explain 27 free throws for the Lakers in the fourth quarter — an amount staggering in its volume and impact on the game. It gave me pause. How can you explain it? How can you explain a game where Scot Pollard fouls out when he’s two feet from Shaquille O’Neal, or that Doug Christie is called for a ridiculous touch foul just as Chris Webber spikes Kobe Bryant‘s drive to the hoop, or that Mike Bibby is called for a foul deep in the fourth quarter after Bryant pops him in the nose with an elbow? Regardless of whether the fouls were called correctly or not, they put a black mark on what has been as compelling, dramatic and well-played of a series as I can recall in recent years.

What gives one pause, though, is not that these fouls were called against the Kings in this one game. The pause comes because these fouls were called against the Kings in Los Angeles two days after O’Neal fouled out of Game 5 in Sacramento — the same game in which Bryant was saddled with five fouls. How can consecutive games be called so diametrically opposite — with such dramatic differences in the impact on the respective teams?

This is my problem: the 180-degree turns from day to day in the playoffs. One day, Shaq is allowed to drop his shoulder and knock any defender senseless. The very next day, if Shaq looks at Bibby, he gets the foul. How can it be the exact opposite of what it was the game before? And I think people pick up on that, and think something is not right.

I am not speaking here of your garden variety fan who roots for his or her team passionately, sometimes nonsensically, and who will thus create boogeymen to explain his team’s losses where none exist. Nor of the poor souls who have to assign the state of their own wretched lives to some unseen, omniscient force. Nor of the professional cranks and nutjobs who earn a living by finding gunmen in grassy knolls — no, they fired from the bridge above! No, wait — it was from the sewer below! But of ordinary folks who pay their taxes and hold themselves responsible for their lot in life.

After Game 6, I went out to dinner in L.A. with a couple of sportswriters and three or four other folks who aren’t in the business. Each one of us at the table had a college degree. None of us had a dog in this Lakers-Kings fight. But us Sports Guys wanted to see if we were overreacting. So we asked the woman with the business degree who has season tickets to an NBA team (not the Lakers, not the Kings) what her immediate reaction was after watching Friday.

“They stole the game from the Kings,” she said, matter of factly.

The next morning, I call for a bellman for help with the bags. The door is open five seconds when he says, and I’m paraphrasing here because I don’t generally quote bellmen, “What was up with that game last night? I mean, I’m a Laker fan, so I appreciate the calls. But I don’t want to win that way. It was like Chris Webber was saying, ‘I can’t win, so why should I play hard?’ ”

Which, if the bellman had been in the Kings’ locker room on Friday, was exactly the demeanor he would have seen from Webber. His lip was literally quivering, he was so angry. He spoke in guarded tones about how “we’re still the Sacramento Kings” and how he had been told it would be impossible to beat the Lakers Friday. “I was warned,” he muttered. Twenty feet away, Vlade Divac was asked if he played O’Neal any differently than he had the first five games. “Of course,” Divac smirked. “I thought ‘Tonight, I will play him very aggressive and foul him every time.’ ”

You can dismiss this as sour grapes from the losing team. But this has gone on for so long in so many losing locker rooms over the years, it is now part of the postgame procedure: Winning coach compliments spirit of losing team, losing coach laments horrible officiating. It is so matter-of-fact as to be a cliche: We got the calls tonight; they’ll get the calls tomorrow. Only in the NBA does a coach who’s won eight championships whine more than a stuck engine valve about refs. You may hear Lou Pinella rant about the strike zone on Monday, but he’s not still at it on Thursday. Officials blow calls every Sunday in the NFL, but that league makes sure you know about it on Tuesday, while the NBA still muzzles all discussion about its officials’ performance.

So why do NBA coaches do it?

Because it appears to work.

When Phil Jackson gripes about the Knicks and Pistons not allowing flow and freedom in a game — when he says that Dennis Rodman is being persecuted; when he says that Shaq isn’t being allowed the same freedoms a man six inches shorter receives — he’s not talking to the guy or gal that asked him the question in the news conference, and he’s not talking to you, dear reader. He’s talking to the three people in the striped shirts who will call the next game.

Please understand: I think NBA refs have the hardest job officiating of all the major sports, and that includes the guys who do it on skates. Basketball — and pro basketball in particular — has more subjective calls in a half than you’ll see in a season of football. Block or charge? Did he jump straight up, or come over the back? Is he hooking, or using leverage? And I think because the game is so subjective to call, no one knows what to expect night in and out.

The NBA also suffers because of the nature of the game. One dominant player out of five will necessarily have more impact than one out of nine in baseball (including the pitcher, who only plays once every four or five days) or one of 11 in football. So someone like Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson or Larry Bird or Isiah Thomas — or Shaq — tends to win more often than in baseball or football. This tends to lead to the same teams winning championships — which creates the impression that this is desired by the Commish, the networks and advertisers looking for common themes, one-name superstars and storylines to sell to the public.

(Of course, the public is as hypocritical on this as it is on so many things. The very people who say they’re sick of seeing the same faces win year after year in the NBA are the same folks who stayed away in droves, and didn’t watch, during the league’s most democratic era — the 1970s, when talented if nondescript teams like Golden State, Washington, Portland and Seattle won championships.)

I acknowledge I am at a loss about what to do. The Commish acknowledged last week that the game has gotten, in some ways, too quick for the refs, which is why he’s now behind some form of instant replay. The Competition Committee will receive a proposal from the league for replay at its meeting this week. And here, the NBA can learn from the NFL, which is always perceived as tinkering with its game to improve officiating and make the game more pleasant for fans.

Of course, the NFL often does no such thing. But people think it does.

Perception is reality.


Accusations of fixing the finals gnaws at the NBA’s integrity

By Bill Peterson

Something is seriously amiss with the NBA on the eve of its championship finals, which are alleged to be more made for TV than the law should allow. Of course, speculation as to which teams the league would prefer on its June stage has run for so long as to have become a rite of spring. But the sides of the Milwaukee Bucks’ mouths muttered the conspiracy theory with bristling detail last week, which is pretty damaging gossip whether it’s true or not.

The Bucks ultimately lost the Eastern Conference Finals to the Philadelphia 76ers in seven games, so they’re spared the prohibitive task of tipping off against the Los Angeles Lakers for the league championship. Even before their series ended, though, the Bucks all but came right out and said the fix was in. It wasn’t the only sign that the Bucks, and the league, have lost their composure.

The Sixers made 186 trips to the free throw line in the series, compared with only 119 for the Bucks. On the face of it, the Sixers stand to go to the line more often, anyway, because they drive to the basket and the Bucks pull up for the jumper. But the Bucks were outraged by several specific calls, often of the ticky-tack variety on the perimeter.

Beginning after Game 4, when the Bucks said Glenn Robinson was fouled on a fourth-quarter possession that cashed out a layup for the Sixers, the Bucks were distracted by their sense of injustice. In Game 5, early touch fouls were called against Sam Cassell and Ervin Johnson, Cassell went berserk after being stung with a technical, flagrant fouls were called against Robinson and Tim Thomas and a moving screen call went against Jason Caffey. At the end of the game, Robinson missed from the baseline with the game on the line in the final seconds and Ray Allen missed the putback, later to say goaltending should have been called against Dikembe Mutombo.

After that game, Allen told reporters he’s suspected the NBA was fixed since he was in high school, adding that members of his family told him they saw NBA Commissioner David Stern carrying on at a game as if he were rooting for the Sixers. Bucks coach George Karl said three other NBA coaches called him to raise the issue. It was Bucks power forward Scott Williams, of all people, who said the Bucks were losing their cool.

So, in Game 6, Sixers star Allan Iverson drove the lane and took an elbow in the face from Williams, who would have to be on his knees to elbow Iverson’s ribs. After that game, the NBA revised the call against Williams to flagrant foul 2 from flagrant foul 1, requiring that Williams sit out Game 7.

Just as one hates to see the referees decide games with late calls that are largely subjective, it’s disturbing when the league basically decides a series by making a key player sit out on a reversal of a subjective decision. Not that Williams is an All-Pro, but he makes a big difference for that team, which doesn’t have enough inside presence even with him. And how the Williams foul is flagrant 2 when the infamous Juwan Howard hack that knocked San Antonio’s Derek Anderson out of the playoffs isn’t would take some explaining.

It would be wrong, though, based just on this year’s playoffs, to conclude that the NBA fixes its results for maximum television revenue. After all, the NBA has lost millions on the Lakers’ 11-game blitz through the first three rounds of playoffs, which could have been made longer and more interesting with a few well-timed calls.

But the problem isn’t that the NBA is fixed. The problem is that the Bucks can be comfortable talking about the possibility so openly.

The problem isn’t that perception is reality, but that perception is everything respecting the integrity of athletic competition. And the NBA doesn’t help itself by dismissing and laughing off the suspicion, which, if not confirmed, remains a suspicion.

The NBA’s silence on the matter is almost creepy. One would expect some kind of fine against Allen for conduct detrimental to the league. It wouldn’t be unprecedented. The issue isn’t a lot different from the controversy for which Pete Rose serves a lifetime suspension from baseball.

Whether a league is perceived to be compromised by gambling or its own machinations, any suspicion that the games aren’t fairly played and honestly won cuts at the integrity of the competition. Without that integrity, the NBA is professional wrestling or the XFL. The NBA ought to walk every last mile to protect that integrity. Instead, the league just hopes the problem goes away.

Maybe it will. Because the Bucks are right — the NBA clearly has an interest it pitting the Sixers against the Lakers in this year’s finals, which is exactly what it’s got. It’s national star power and two huge television markets. It’s the Lakers, the defending champions and the hottest team in the game, against the Sixers, featuring the MVP who’s also the most discussed figure in the league.

Iverson will never be able to get rid of all those tattoos, which will always remind his detractors of his thuggish past. That’s unfortunate, because he has otherwise made every effort to resist blowing on himself by saying the right things and acknowledging the right people. He plays hard and hurt and can even be said to be a team player when he hits six of 30, because it’s only the threat of his scoring that illuminates the marginal talents with which he’s surrounded.

Meanwhile, the Lakers have effected a remarkable transformation since Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant were openly bickering in January. Now they’re playing together and patting each other on the back.

The Lakers haven’t lost a game in two months, and longtime observers are saying they’re playing better than the teams that featured Jerry West and Wilt Chamberlain 30 years ago or Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbbar 15 years ago. That’s rather extravagant praise, and it’s pretty hard to confute.

Among the showcases in these finals is two coaches, Phil Jackson and Larry Brown, who have demonstrated just what an achievement it is to win with great talent. In Brown’s case, he’s pulled maximum grit out of his role players, who are walking wounded, while reversing his once contentious relationship with Iverson. It’s been no small feat to win over Iverson, which has clearly been the key to Philadelphia’s success.

Jackson appears to be on his way to winning his eighth NBA championship, but he’s not a paragon of humility and a lot of people, frankly, are sick of seeing him win. In some ways, he’s comparable with Sparky Anderson, even if the comparison is strained by Anderson’s lack of a zen vocabulary. But both have been hammered for winning with talent, as if it’s not a coach’s prerogative to surround himself with guys who can play.

The problem with talent, though, is that talent knows it’s talented, which isn’t the same as talent being committed to winning. Anderson and Jackson both have fought that battle adroitly, basically by letting players settle their own conflicts. Both know what many professional coaches forget, that the players are the team. If the players happen to be pretty good, you don’t have to say Anderson and Jackson have done their jobs well, so long as you don’t forget to give them their rings.

Neither Jackson nor Anderson have been the type to sit quietly in the background, especially when speaking out can deflect pressure and criticism from the players. Sometime early in this finals series, if it doesn’t break right for the Lakers, Jackson is sure to make some remarks about the officiating — but he’ll stop short of declaring a fix.

At this point, the NBA doesn’t need the criticism. It already has the series it wants.


Likewise, Chicago forward Antonio Davis indirectly accused officials of fixing games. After the Bulls lost Game 3 of their series with Washington, Davis spoke of poor officiating and added, “I guess they were only doing what they were told to do.”,1249,600131864,00.html

Do you think premartial sex is okay or not in our modern world?

I am writing this post to get your opinions on the topic of whether you think premarital sex is okay or not in our modern world?  We all know it is not going to disappear or stop however I just want to find out if you think it is wise or not and why?

I don’t believe it wrong myself but just that people have to be careful and not be to promiscuous.  I especially feel it is important if you are in a relationship that is leading to possible marriage.  Since I feel it is important you know if you are sexually compatible with your partner.

We all know most religions are against premartial sex and that is the main argument against besides being worried about catching an sexually transmitted disease (STD) or getting pregnant.  Some parents just don’t want their kids to be having sex since they feel it is a lost of innocence and a sign their kid is not a baby any longer.  Some parents also just don’t want their kids being distracted from their goals of finishing school and getting a career by getting involved in serious relationships and complicating it with sex.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Poll: Should Gay or Homosexual Marriage be Allowed?

Please give my your opinion into whether you think gay or homosexual marriage should be allowed.  This is a very hot topic lately and several states have tried to make it legal for homosexuals to be married.  Some have been overturned and are still being fought for.  Due to this being such a hot topic I feel it should be discussed.

In my opinion I feel homosexuals should be allowed to be married only for the reason I believe most did not choose to be homosexual but were born this way.  So if they are suppose to be homosexual who are we to say no to them being happy and being married.  The other issue with why they should be allowed to be married unless people rather make some other law/s is the fact homosexual partners don’t have any of the legal benefits of a married couple no matter how long they are together.  So unless we want to give them the benefits of a married couple without being married I don’t see how we can be against them being married.

I know those against it are the conservative in our society who mainly focus their argument against based on religious beliefs.  Since most religions are against homosexual relations based on the interpretations of their holy books.  They also just love to say that marriage is for a man and woman to come together to have a baby which is not possible from same sex marriages.

This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences. In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are displayed on voting and results page. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Take my Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following Against, For, Against but for other laws being made giving benefits of a married couple, Not sure. Readers giveme your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Take my poll!