Pet Peeves for Relationships

  1. When in an argument with partner and you both have two different viewpoints of what was said or done during a moment in the past.  Just wish there was a video of the moment to prove the point one way or another.
  2. When your partner leaves their trash like someone else is supposed to throw it away.
  3. When your partner thinks they are always right when making big financial decisions and they always end up wrong.
  4. When your partner just tunes you out when you are talking to them.
  5. When your partner is intimate so infrequently you have to clean up the cobwebs first.
  6. Just having to try to accept the flaws and annoying things your partner does.
  7. When your partner looks better when they go to work or hang out with their friends then when you go out with them.
  8. When your partner cleans up around the house when their friends come over but not regularly any other time.
  9. When your partner calls you on phone to many times in a day.
  10. When your partner doesn’t listen to your advice especially if they listen to everyone else’s.
  11. When your partner believes for something to be true it has to come from an expert.
  12. When your partner complains about some aspect of your physical appearance however they aren’t perfect also but you accept it.
  13. When your partner goes a little crazy when shopping for gifts or non-essential items (e.g. essential items being groceries, etc.).
  14. When your partner leaves or quits jobs when not even having it that long.
  15. When your partner can’t predict or see likely upcoming future based on how things are going now.
  16. When your partner forgets about plans you made with them.
  17. When your partner cancels or tries to cancel on plans made way in advance.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

About outoftheboxguy

I am just a normal guy who thinks out of the box and wants to share his viewpoints on various topics and get your feedback and stance on issues. I hope you enjoy my blog enough to come back and tell others.

Posted on July 17, 2011, in Comedy, Funny, Homosexual Relationships, Marriage, Men and Women Relationships, Pet Peeves and Gripes, Relationships and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. That’s typical! Mine is very good at agreeing to things when he thinks he can get out of them nearer to the time, regardless of whatever plans have been made. Normally this is to do with visiting my mother, or babysitting….

    • My situations have normally been when I have purchased tickets in advance to go to an amusement park or something similar for fun and relaxation and my partner tries to say they can’t go because of work or studies though the date was made three weeks or more in advance. My advice for you if you are still with your partner that does this is to presume your guy is trying to get out of plans because they really don’t want to do them for whatever reason. You either can ask him why he doesn’t want to go, accept this behavior or worse case leave. I do not think for a minute he is forgetting the plans or has a legit reason for not going if plans were made far in advance. I forced my partner’s hand once by telling them I was going to ask another lady friend of mine to go with me. My partner changed her mind really quick.

  2. Or when they make plans, and then “forget” because they can’t be assed….! MEN!

    • I definitely agree with this and I might add to the list if you don’t mind though I haven’t experienced this exactly but have had similar experiences when partner tries to cancel out on plans that have been made way in advance. Usually I bought tickets for something and partner tries to cancel on plans. By the way what did you mean by “because they can’t be assed”. I will add my experience for certain since I did forget.

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