Blog Archives

Pet Peeves for Relationships

  1. When in an argument with partner and you both have two different viewpoints of what was said or done during a moment in the past.  Just wish there was a video of the moment to prove the point one way or another.
  2. When your partner leaves their trash like someone else is supposed to throw it away.
  3. When your partner thinks they are always right when making big financial decisions and they always end up wrong.
  4. When your partner just tunes you out when you are talking to them.
  5. When your partner is intimate so infrequently you have to clean up the cobwebs first.
  6. Just having to try to accept the flaws and annoying things your partner does.
  7. When your partner looks better when they go to work or hang out with their friends then when you go out with them.
  8. When your partner cleans up around the house when their friends come over but not regularly any other time.
  9. When your partner calls you on phone to many times in a day.
  10. When your partner doesn’t listen to your advice especially if they listen to everyone else’s.
  11. When your partner believes for something to be true it has to come from an expert.
  12. When your partner complains about some aspect of your physical appearance however they aren’t perfect also but you accept it.
  13. When your partner goes a little crazy when shopping for gifts or non-essential items (e.g. essential items being groceries, etc.).
  14. When your partner leaves or quits jobs when not even having it that long.
  15. When your partner can’t predict or see likely upcoming future based on how things are going now.
  16. When your partner forgets about plans you made with them.
  17. When your partner cancels or tries to cancel on plans made way in advance.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Pet Peeves while Driving

1. I hate when people speed to get in front of me and then drive slow.

2. When big or slow trucks stay in the left lanes or in the carpool lane.  I think they need to be ticketed.

3. When drivers take 20 years to make a right turn at a stop light or stop sign.

4. When a driver gets into the carpool lane and goes slower than or exactly at the speed limit.

5. When stop lights at intersections take to long to change especially late at night when there are barely anyone out driving.

6. Other drivers that hate someone being ahead of them and do anything to speed ahead and keep the lead.

7. When people slow down to gawk at any accidents or group of vehicles pulled over causing a traffic jam.

8. The stupid designs of many freeways where they put in bottlenecks where a bunch of lanes merge (collapse) into a few lanes.

9. Drivers going so slow that I could get out and jog faster than we are moving.

10. I don’t want to be ageist however some old people do need their driver licenses revoked.

11. When I am driving next to someone side by side (not in their blind spot) and they try to come into my lane like I am not there.

12. When people jump into my small safety cushion for the vehicle in front of me.

13. When there are two or three slow trucks or other vehicles side by side slowing down most if not all of the freeway.


Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.