Author Archives: outoftheboxguy

Poll: Do you believe British tabloid News of the World hacked missing British schoolgirl Milly Dowler’s voicemail?

Missing 13 year old British Schoolgirl Milly Dowler

Missing 13 year old British Schoolgirl Milly Dowler

I am seeking your opinion in my poll about whether you believe British tabloid News of the World superiors were aware their reporter or other employees hacked into missing British schoolgirl Milly Dowler’s voicemail or do you believe it was a rogue reporter responsible for the hacking? If you would like to read about this incident more can be found here:

An excerpt from the New York Times article mentioned prior:

The voice-mail account of a British schoolgirl who went missing in 2002 and whose murdered body was discovered six months later was knew what had happened to her, a lawyer for her family said Monday. According to the lawyer, Mark Lewis, the newspaper not only intercepted  messages left on the phone of the girl, Milly Dowler, 13, by her  increasingly frantic family after her disappearance, but also deleted  some of those messages when her voice mailbox became full — thus making  room for new ones and listening to those in turn. This confused  investigators and gave false hope to Milly’s relatives, who believed it showed she was still alive and deleting the messages herself, Mr. Lewis said.

This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences. In addition  I have no association or recommend any ads that are displayed on  voting and results page. To take poll click on link below in blue  saying “Take my Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll  includes the following Yes – News of the World superiors were aware of the hacking, No – News of the World superiors were not aware and a rogue reporter was guilty of the hacking, and Not sure. Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

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Sources: Image and excerpt are from here:

Poll: Is there to much hype over the British Royal Couple?

Prince William and Duchess Catherine Middleton

Prince William and Duchess Catherine Middleton

I would like your opinion on whether there is to much hype over the British Royal Couple (Britain’s Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge).  Especially if looked at from the perspective of news coverage and the concern of people not being focused on more serious matters from the U.S. economy, world economy, wars, foreclosures, garbage in oceans, global warming, oil prices, alternate fuel sources, impending oil shortage, overpopulation, famines, droughts, entire neighborhoods and regions being abandoned in the U.S., national debt, rising ocean levels, etc.

I understand the interest in the British Royal Couple since everyone loved Princess Diana and wants the best for Prince William and also the fact the wedding between William and Kate reminded them of Princess Diana’s wedding. Also the U.S. just has an interest in royalty for some odd reason probably because of the fairy tale aspect. But there are more important matters in the world besides the British Royal Couple.  One being the source of the Queen’s wealth is one that stands out.

This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences.
In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are
displayed on voting and results page. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Take my Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following Yes, No, Not sure. Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

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Poll: Casey Anthony Guilty or Not Guilty of killing daughter Caylee Anthony?

Let us know your opinion on the Casey Anthony verdict and whether you think she was innocent or guilty of killing her daughter Caylee Anthony.  Please leave comments after voting and let us know if justice was served, if our court system failed, and opinions about the jury.

This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences. In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are displayed on voting and results page. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Take my Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following choices innocent, guilty, not certain due to lack of evidence,  and other.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

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The U.S. should of and still can intervene or aid Mexico with its drug war along the U.S. border

The raging war on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border has gotten to be ridiculous with the U.S. Government not intervening with military and law enforcement help.  U.S. citizens along the border are living in terror and many have been kidnapped by gangs from Mexico.  The gangs and cartels have killed law enforcement and government officials in Mexico with total disregard.  So much so that many communities there can’t even get people to fill the positions out of a rightful fear and likelihood of being killed.  The U.S. has used the logic of protecting us the American citizens from terrorism and protecting our interest to attack Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq however this same logic isn’t being used right here along our border.

I feel we should have the Marines, National Guard, U.S. Customs, and U.S. Border Patrol on our side of the border protecting it and the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force on the other side aiding Mexico.  In addition on both sides of the border the DEA, FBI, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy should be used to aid and protect the border.  The level of violence and intensity has reached the point where a serious escalation and response is necessary to quell the violence and turn the tide.  I feel this is the level we have reached and is the only way the tide can be turned unless the U.S. doesn’t want to do anything to stop the flow of drugs.

Furthermore this drug war only exhibits another reason our border between the U.S. and Mexico needs to be secured properly.  Our border needs to have two walls built along it of at least 15 ft height with barbed wired fences, cameras, towers, sensors, armed guards, remote-controlled aerial vehicles, patrol vehicles, and perhaps even remote-controlled guns installed to properly secure it.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Should you live with your significant other prior to getting married?

The main two arguments for why a couple should not live together is because of religion and why a couple should live together is normally going to be so they can get to know one another.  The religious would state if a couple loves each other they would be able to work out everything once married because of love and compromise.  On the other hand those in the camp for a couple living together prior to marriage would say to give a marriage the best chance of being successful it would be best for the couple to live together first.  When a couple lives together first they will see how their partners really are in everyday life and see all the positives and negatives.  It is harder for some one to hide flaws from their partner if the other is there almost all the time.  Living together the couple will see how their partner deals with finances, everyday chores, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, their moods, likes and dislikes (in terms of music, television, movies, food, games, etc.), etc.  Last the couple will determine if they are sexually compatible.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Pet Peeves while Driving

1. I hate when people speed to get in front of me and then drive slow.

2. When big or slow trucks stay in the left lanes or in the carpool lane.  I think they need to be ticketed.

3. When drivers take 20 years to make a right turn at a stop light or stop sign.

4. When a driver gets into the carpool lane and goes slower than or exactly at the speed limit.

5. When stop lights at intersections take to long to change especially late at night when there are barely anyone out driving.

6. Other drivers that hate someone being ahead of them and do anything to speed ahead and keep the lead.

7. When people slow down to gawk at any accidents or group of vehicles pulled over causing a traffic jam.

8. The stupid designs of many freeways where they put in bottlenecks where a bunch of lanes merge (collapse) into a few lanes.

9. Drivers going so slow that I could get out and jog faster than we are moving.

10. I don’t want to be ageist however some old people do need their driver licenses revoked.

11. When I am driving next to someone side by side (not in their blind spot) and they try to come into my lane like I am not there.

12. When people jump into my small safety cushion for the vehicle in front of me.

13. When there are two or three slow trucks or other vehicles side by side slowing down most if not all of the freeway.


Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Poll: Which college football team is the best during the last 30 years?

This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences. In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are displayed on results page. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Take my Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following teams or schools University of Miami Hurricanes, Virginia Tech University Hokies, University of Southern California Trojans, Nebraska University Cornhuskers, Alabama University Crimson Tide, Florida State University Seminoles, Stanford University Cardinals, Florida University Gators, Syracuse University Orangeman, Ohio State University Buckeyes, University of Texas Longhorns, Penn State University Nittany Lions, Wisconsin University Badgers, Oklahoma University Sooners, and Michigan University Wolverines.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

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Should the U.S. be the World's protector spending its citizens money to do it?

I ask do we as a nation want to be the world’s protector spending our money and shedding our blood to protect and police the world?  We as a nation are spending a  higher percentage when compared to our Gross Domestic Product  than other nations.  We are protecting Europe, Middle East Nations, Central Asian Nations, and the Far East.  Yet the nations we protect are not spending an equal amount on their own defense.  And why should they when they have us to do it.  We are killing ourselves to protect the world and are really  slaves to these nations especially those of Europe.

Why are so many of the nations protected by us living better then we are in terms of per capita income, health care, vacation time, and other benefits?  Why are we the richest nation in the world at least for now and yet it is not reflected among the majority of the people?  We have large numbers of our population living in near or at third world standards.  While these other nations have very little or none living in third world conditions or being homeless.    These nations are in general very clean, modern, low crime, semi utopias.  Some of these nations are Switzerland, England, Norway, Finland, Germany, Spain, Japan, Kuwait, France, Taiwan, South Korea, etc. Not all the nations are perfect like Saudi Arabia, Italy, Egypt, Philippines, etc.

Even more interesting and a giant slap in the face is the fact that most of the homeless in this nation are the same soldiers protecting these nations and doing America’s bidding.  I find this shocking and very sad.  How can the soldiers of the U.S. not be taken care of once they come back home and try to live normal lives?  I never understood how people join the military when throughout modern history the U.S. has not done much to support their soldiers.  I do believe most people who join just don’t know the history and that is why they join.  Especially minorities shouldn’t join due to the discrimination in the military.  I would never join the U.S. military unless someone invades this nation.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Poll: Who is the Sexiest Female Celebrity Today (Summer 2011)?

This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences. In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are displayed on results page. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Take my Poll” and another window or tab will open up. This poll includes the following celebrities Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Megan Fox, Josie Maran, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Jessica Alba, Maria Menounos, Megan Good, Olivia Wilde, Minka Kelly, Camilla Belle, Beyonce Knowles, Keri Hilson, Kristen Bell, Ciarra, Taylor Swift, Freida Pinto, Elisabetta Canalis, Padma Lakshmi, Ashley Greene, Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys, Adriana Lima, Jessica Biel, Zoe Saldana, Kelly Brook, Kate Beckinsale, Natalie Portman, Selita Ebanks , Mila Kunis, Charlize Theoron, etc.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

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Poll: Who is the best female singer currently?

This poll list is in random order and does not reflect my preferences. In addition I have no association or recommend any ads that are displayed on results page. To take poll click on link below in blue saying “Take my Poll” and another window or tab will open. This poll includes the following singers Beyonce Knowles, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Fergie, Jennifer Hudson, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, etc.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back

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