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What ladies should do if they want to get a guy’s attention

  1. When you are out and about make sure to dress nice and fix yourself up.  By fix yourself up I mean to have your hair, make up (if you wear it), and clothes all looking nice.  Men are completely visual as we all know and if you don’t catch a guy’s eye he is not likely to even pay attention to you.
  2. Try not to be with a big group of friends since it can be intimidating to a guy if they want to approach or flirt with you.
  3. Be open and very friendly to any guys whom talk to you that you are interested in.  Try to be flirty and tell him some obvious clues that he should get the hint.  Most guys are dumb and still might not get the hint if you aren’t obvious.  If you really think the guy likes you but is not getting the hint just tell him you would like to go out if you are confident enough. Hopefully the guy is not gay or married and that is why he ignoring your hints.
  4. Try to look approachable if you are out at a club, bar, in a restaurant, anywhere and you see a guy or guys you are interested in.
  5. Try to get a guy’s attention by looking at him and seeing if he looks back and perhaps if you are confident enough you can wave him over or give him a come here finger.
  6. You can approach a guy you are interested in and just introduce yourself and ask them how they are doing, can ask them for help with something, ask them a question, just do whatever it takes to get a conversation flowing.
  7. If the guy is someone you see regularly or know you can try to  dress sexy and hint to the guy about your interest or invite the guy to a party, to a dance, to a movie, to go to lunch, to a comedy club, etc.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.