Dads need to be there for their kids and not just run off and be deadbeats

Dads you have to be men and not get scared or act like kids and leave a woman whom was good enough for you to sleep with but not good enough for you to man up and provide for her and your kid.  If you did not want kids then you should of used contraception (e.g. rubber, condom, glove).  I know condoms suck and it decreases your stimulation but if you don’t want kids you have to use it otherwise you are dependent on the women taking her pill and it working.  Some women actually want to get pregnant and might tell you they took it when they didn’t.  So if you want to chance it then don’t use a condom.  If you want to be certain then put on a condom.

Dads provide for your kids financially, emotionally, being there to help the mom, and as being a role model. Even if you are not able to provide financially because you are not working you do need to try your best to find a job but in the meantime you do have to be around to help the mom in anyway she needs it.  So you can watch and teach your kid/s to help out.  You can help with cleaning up and doing chores around the house since all these things contribute and should be greatly appreciated.

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About outoftheboxguy

I am just a normal guy who thinks out of the box and wants to share his viewpoints on various topics and get your feedback and stance on issues. I hope you enjoy my blog enough to come back and tell others.

Posted on May 22, 2011, in Contraception, Family or Families, Men and Women Relationships and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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