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Why would anyone want to join the U.S. Military?

I do not understand why anyone joins the U.S. military.  Especially if you have other options even if that includes working at a minimum wage job.  Now perhaps if you can’t get a minimum wage job or there are no jobs period where you are maybe it could be an option.  However I would suggest moving  to where there are jobs.  Some do it to pay off their school tuition which is somewhat understandable.

I always look at everything based on the worse case scenario.  The worse case scenario is you dying and leaving everyone that loves you.  The only thing that can top this is the fact most U.S. soldiers are killed in friendly fire incidents meaning they were killed by their own soldiers.  The other bad scenarios which might not be better are coming back without limbs, in a coma, having brain damage, mental issues, having been raped by your own soldiers for females, drug addicted, alcoholic, blind, burned, deaf, not able to have kids, etc. Worse is the fact the United States doesn’t take care of its soldiers when they are active or as veterans.

Active duty soldiers had to fight to get armor in their vehicles and to get new upgraded armored vehicles.  In addition soldiers aren’t paid much and many are struggling while active especially if they have families.  I recently found out that soldiers have to pay to get wired internet and have to get their own webcams to be able to talk to their families.  In addition many are limited to only minutes being able to use computers while serving in the war zones.  Many soldiers experience harassment and discrimination especially if they are minorities.  U.S. businesses are not to patriotic when it comes to soldiers like the recent incident with the airline charging some soldiers coming back from overseas a ton of charges for extra baggage.  Soldiers can’t receive discounts at many places which is unbelievable.  I do understand small businesses not being able to give discounts but large franchises and chains should be able to afford discounts and I am sure they can write it off on taxes anyway.  I can go on and on about the problems with the U.S. military.

Veteran soldiers I feel are worse off from my perspective. Most homeless in America are our soldiers.  This is startling but the truth and is one of the main reasons I would never serve.  Our country doesn’t treat soldiers like other countries treat soldiers or even how warriors were treated in history like the Romans.  Soldiers can’t get jobs and are dealing with mental issues from their experiences while serving in combat, being harassed, or raped.  In addition many do not even know how to go back to a normal life since in the military everything is provided and taken care of for the soldiers.  I see this the same as prisoners that can’t reintegrate into a normal life.  Many prisoners rather stay in jail or commit a crime to go back to jail so everything is provided for them and they don’t have to deal with the stresses with everyday life.  While we are taking about prisoners I always have seen serving in the military as going to prison. Would I want  to go to prison, no so why would I want to join the military. Soldiers I believe do multiple tours often I feel because they do not want to face living a normal life since they aren’t use to it and I feel some even do it to escape or be away from their families.  Vets also aren’t given respect from businesses in terms of discounts also or jobs.

I feel soldiers should be provided everything they need free to be able to communicate with their family and friends.  Maybe it is just me but this only seems right.

The only way I would join our military is if we are invaded by an outside nation. Other then that I couldn’t imagine joining any of our military branches.  While I am speaking about branches can anyone really understand why the National Guard and Coast Guard are used overseas for our wars and conflicts.  I do know this started during Vietnam but I just never understood the legality of it.  Since initially the whole point of the National Guard was to protect our country from civil unrest, invasion from foreign nations, and help during natural disasters, etc.  I do not comprehend the logic of the National Guard and Coast Guard being needed to be used outside our nation.  I do know for a fact many join the National Guard and the Coast Guard thinking the same thing in terms of not knowing they can be deployed overseas for our conflicts and wars.  Most people join the National Guard to get an extra paycheck and hope never to be called upon.  If this is the case for you do not join the National Guard or Coast Guard since you could very well end up overseas in a war zone.  The evidence the National Guard shouldn’t be used overseas is the fact they do not train like the regular military in terms of frequency and also have inferior equipment.  I don’t even understand how the National Guard was being used to help try to secure parts of our border with Mexico.  Since they should only be used momentarily but there should be a contingency plan in the works for a long term force being deployed there besides the National Guard.

Minorites and females should never voluntarily join the U.S. military with how they are treated by the military.  If you are in this group and want to be an officer do not join thinking you are going to be an officer.  More likely you will never be an officer.  All you have to do is look at the number of minority and female officers in the military and then look at how many are officers and that will tell you all you need to know.  An example would be to look at the U.S. Army numbers based on race for women.  Most female soldiers in the U.S. Army are Black or African American however most of the female officers are White or Caucasian.  Just look at numbers and it will tell the story.  Also if you are in this group of minorities or females don’t join thinking you are going to be a pilot or any other sought after position.  You will probably end up doing something completely opposite of what you wanted to do and on the low-end of the Totem Pole.

Last why serve this country when they don’t value our lives by getting us into wars we shouldn’t be involved in and have no chance of winning unless we deploy millions of soldiers or wipe out all the native population present.  Sure we are winning in terms of stats if you base it on body count but in terms of achieving an objective besides making certain people rich is nonexistent.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

The Real Reason the U.S. Economy is in such Bad Shape

The reason the U.S. Economy is doing so badly is not surprising but sure isn’t really being discussed by media.  The source of this plight is the wars the U.S. is involved in.  The U.S. is spending One Trillion dollars a year on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This doesn’t include the over 300 Billion Dollars spent on our regular defense budget and doesn’t include our conflict in Libya.  Now how can any country do well for such a long period of time as we have been involved in these wars.  We have been going on for 10 plus years and we are still losing soldiers.  There is definitely a direct correlation with a National Debt and the total cost spent on these wars.  Just a few weeks ago the U.S. reached it’s cap on National Debt.  This means which maxed out in terms of how much debt we are suppose to acquire and that we aren’t suppose to borrow any longer.  The amount of the National Debt was around 14.8 Trillion.  If you add up the years of fighting it will get us pretty close to the National Debt and will almost equal it if you tally in amount spent on National Defense.  The only solution to improve our economy and the world’s is to end the wars.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.

Libyan Conflict is a Joke and excuse to Dethrone Moammar Gadhafi

The U.S. and NATO are just using the rebels trying to overthrow Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi as an excuse to dethrone him.    The U.S. and NATO say they are involved to keep the rebels from being slaughtered without mercy.  I say this is crap and to me that is what happens to rebels if they don’t win.  If the U.S. was really interested in policing the world they would be involved in half the countries around the world including within the U.S. itself and not just Libya.  I read the France and England might have intiated or pushed for getting involved just to show off their fighter jets that are in contention for a military contract by India.  These are the only two jets they are flying over Libya just the ones that are up for contract.  France and England just used attack helicopters to take out some targets in Libya.  You can’t tell me the U.S. and NATO aren’t supporting the rebels and helping them to win.  Without all this support from the U.S. and NATO the rebels would of been done.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.