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Should the U.S. be the World's protector spending its citizens money to do it?

I ask do we as a nation want to be the world’s protector spending our money and shedding our blood to protect and police the world?  We as a nation are spending a  higher percentage when compared to our Gross Domestic Product  than other nations.  We are protecting Europe, Middle East Nations, Central Asian Nations, and the Far East.  Yet the nations we protect are not spending an equal amount on their own defense.  And why should they when they have us to do it.  We are killing ourselves to protect the world and are really  slaves to these nations especially those of Europe.

Why are so many of the nations protected by us living better then we are in terms of per capita income, health care, vacation time, and other benefits?  Why are we the richest nation in the world at least for now and yet it is not reflected among the majority of the people?  We have large numbers of our population living in near or at third world standards.  While these other nations have very little or none living in third world conditions or being homeless.    These nations are in general very clean, modern, low crime, semi utopias.  Some of these nations are Switzerland, England, Norway, Finland, Germany, Spain, Japan, Kuwait, France, Taiwan, South Korea, etc. Not all the nations are perfect like Saudi Arabia, Italy, Egypt, Philippines, etc.

Even more interesting and a giant slap in the face is the fact that most of the homeless in this nation are the same soldiers protecting these nations and doing America’s bidding.  I find this shocking and very sad.  How can the soldiers of the U.S. not be taken care of once they come back home and try to live normal lives?  I never understood how people join the military when throughout modern history the U.S. has not done much to support their soldiers.  I do believe most people who join just don’t know the history and that is why they join.  Especially minorities shouldn’t join due to the discrimination in the military.  I would never join the U.S. military unless someone invades this nation.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.