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The U.S. should of and still can intervene or aid Mexico with its drug war along the U.S. border

The raging war on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border has gotten to be ridiculous with the U.S. Government not intervening with military and law enforcement help.  U.S. citizens along the border are living in terror and many have been kidnapped by gangs from Mexico.  The gangs and cartels have killed law enforcement and government officials in Mexico with total disregard.  So much so that many communities there can’t even get people to fill the positions out of a rightful fear and likelihood of being killed.  The U.S. has used the logic of protecting us the American citizens from terrorism and protecting our interest to attack Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq however this same logic isn’t being used right here along our border.

I feel we should have the Marines, National Guard, U.S. Customs, and U.S. Border Patrol on our side of the border protecting it and the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force on the other side aiding Mexico.  In addition on both sides of the border the DEA, FBI, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy should be used to aid and protect the border.  The level of violence and intensity has reached the point where a serious escalation and response is necessary to quell the violence and turn the tide.  I feel this is the level we have reached and is the only way the tide can be turned unless the U.S. doesn’t want to do anything to stop the flow of drugs.

Furthermore this drug war only exhibits another reason our border between the U.S. and Mexico needs to be secured properly.  Our border needs to have two walls built along it of at least 15 ft height with barbed wired fences, cameras, towers, sensors, armed guards, remote-controlled aerial vehicles, patrol vehicles, and perhaps even remote-controlled guns installed to properly secure it.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.