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Who honestly is worried about U.S. Debt Crisis deadline approaching because I am definitely not

This looming deadline for our debt crisis that is approaching has many worried within the U.S. and potentially around the world.  I am not worried whatsoever since I know the U.S. economy and the world economy is a joke.  I know this will be resolved miraculously close to the deadline.  The crisis is all something that has been orchestrated and will play out as it is intended to play out.  It is not like the U.S. economy will be allowed to fall.  If our economy falls so does the world’s economy.

Does anyone honestly believe there is going to be a crisis and this problem will not be resolved by the deadline? The calls and emails people are making to force the politicians namely the Republicans to come up with a decision is for not.  Since it will be worked out without all this frenzy from the population.  The politicians are not going to let this country fall.  Congress will make up its mind in the next few days.

The people should be up in arms about other issues besides this like the fact we are involved in multiple conflicts around the world causing our crisis in the first place.  Furthermore, the fact Obama wants to increase taxes on the rich before resolving the first issue at hand being these conflicts.  I have no problem with taxing the rich but first we need to look at the real issue and solve this first.  If Barack Obama wants to tax some people it ought to be the companies making money from these wars like the oil companies that supply the U.S. military, weapons manufactures, other suppliers, and last and most importantly the bankers that are bankrolling the whole war.  These are the rich companies and individuals I do not have a problem with him taxing immediately since they are why we are having these conflicts in the first place and why they are lasting forever and causing our debt crisis.

I am working on another post regarding the whole economic system being a joke.  So check back for it.

Readers give me your opinion on this topic and if you have suggestions for other topics please contact me.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back.