The Real Reason the U.S. Economy is in such Bad Shape

The reason the U.S. Economy is doing so badly is not surprising but sure isn’t really being discussed by media.  The source of this plight is the wars the U.S. is involved in.  The U.S. is spending One Trillion dollars a year on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This doesn’t include the over 300 Billion Dollars spent on our regular defense budget and doesn’t include our conflict in Libya.  Now how can any country do well for such a long period of time as we have been involved in these wars.  We have been going on for 10 plus years and we are still losing soldiers.  There is definitely a direct correlation with a National Debt and the total cost spent on these wars.  Just a few weeks ago the U.S. reached it’s cap on National Debt.  This means which maxed out in terms of how much debt we are suppose to acquire and that we aren’t suppose to borrow any longer.  The amount of the National Debt was around 14.8 Trillion.  If you add up the years of fighting it will get us pretty close to the National Debt and will almost equal it if you tally in amount spent on National Defense.  The only solution to improve our economy and the world’s is to end the wars.

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About outoftheboxguy

I am just a normal guy who thinks out of the box and wants to share his viewpoints on various topics and get your feedback and stance on issues. I hope you enjoy my blog enough to come back and tell others.

Posted on June 4, 2011, in Economy, Military, News, Politics, War and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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