Libyan Conflict is a Joke and excuse to Dethrone Moammar Gadhafi

The U.S. and NATO are just using the rebels trying to overthrow Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi as an excuse to dethrone him.    The U.S. and NATO say they are involved to keep the rebels from being slaughtered without mercy.  I say this is crap and to me that is what happens to rebels if they don’t win.  If the U.S. was really interested in policing the world they would be involved in half the countries around the world including within the U.S. itself and not just Libya.  I read the France and England might have intiated or pushed for getting involved just to show off their fighter jets that are in contention for a military contract by India.  These are the only two jets they are flying over Libya just the ones that are up for contract.  France and England just used attack helicopters to take out some targets in Libya.  You can’t tell me the U.S. and NATO aren’t supporting the rebels and helping them to win.  Without all this support from the U.S. and NATO the rebels would of been done.

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About outoftheboxguy

I am just a normal guy who thinks out of the box and wants to share his viewpoints on various topics and get your feedback and stance on issues. I hope you enjoy my blog enough to come back and tell others.

Posted on June 4, 2011, in Economy, Military, News, Politics, War and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I agree with comment outoftheboxguy wrote. Libya will have some ruler that we (US) favors.

  2. USA and NATO are not “nation building” Libya, they are colonizing Libya. The rebels want power, NATO will bombard and drone kill the little colnel’s army into realizing it’s curtains if they don’t give up the colnel. The rebels will be a puppet regime so NATO can claim a new colony, excuse me a new free and independent Libya under NATO’s thumb.

    • I agree with you though NATO and the U.S. did not state they were nation building Libya but supposedly trying to stop a massacre from occurring due to Gadhafi saying there would be no mercy. However the U.S. and NATO are colonizing Libya.

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