Category Archives: Discrimination and Racism

Poll: Should mom Raquel Nelson be sentenced to 3 years in prison because of jaywalking death of 4 year old son?

Raquel Nelson
Should a mom whom jaywalked with her kids at night after being dropped off by a bus across the street from her house resulted in one of her kids being hit by car and killed by a drunk driver be sentenced to three years in prison because of the jaywalking? The actual conviction is for homicide by vehicle and reckless conduct.  The nearest cross walk was more than 1500 feet from the bus stop.
The sentence she might get is longer then what the drunk driver received.
If you want to support her you can sign a petition here:
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Mom convicted in son’s jaywalking

death: ‘This will never end for me’

By Liz Goodwin

National Affairs Reporter

By Liz Goodwin


Nelson (Today Show)

A Marietta, Ga., mom who was convicted of jaywalking after her 4-year-old son was run over and killed in a hit-and-run said on the Today Show

that the worst part of going to jail would be the separation from her two remaining kids.

Raquel Nelson was convicted of homicide by vehicle and reckless conduct by a jury and faces sentencing tomorrow. She can receive up to a three-year jail sentence, six times the stretch that Jerry Guy–who admitted to drinking before running over Nelson’s son, A.J.–served.

“I think to come after me so much harder than they did him is a slap in the face because this will never end for me,” she said. “It’s three years away from the two that I have left.”

Nelson also said that the jury had “never been in my shoes,” because each of them answered that they had never taken public transportation before. Nelson, who doesn’t have a car, was three-tenths of a mile away from the nearest crosswalk when her bus dropped her off at the stop across the street from her apartment with her three children. She decided to cross with her kids rather than remain outside any later at night, she said. (You can read more about her case here.)

“We are just hoping as a family that [the judge] is compassionate and lets my niece remain with her other children,” Nelson’s aunt Loretta Williams said. Nearly 75,000 have signed an online petition in support of Nelson


You can watch the interview below: